Reintegration facilitated by local partners


As a complement to the preparation in Belgium for a dignified return, there is also an emphasis on reintegration into the country of origin. It is crucial to assist candidates both before and after their return. Thanks to our local partners in return countries, we offer individualized assistance designed for multiple months in the country of origin. This support takes different forms whether it is financial, psychosocial, administrative, or economic. What is the point of this ? Our objective is to make sure that the individual returning to their country of origin can easily tackle any challenges they may encounter during or after their return.

  • Easter Europe & Central Asia

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return to Eastern Europe or Central Asia ?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Latin America

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Middle East, EU & Balkan

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    We respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Sub-Sahara Africa (English)

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Sub-Sahara Africa (French)

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Maghreb

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Asia & South-East Asia

    Would you like information concerning a potential voluntary return or the potential reintegration possibilities after voluntary return?

    I respond to all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me.

  • -- Partners --

    The voluntary return program at the national level is financed by the Belgian government through the federal agency Fedasil, and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Towards a more integrated migration policy, thanks to AMIF.

    At the European level, reintegration is organized within the framework of the JRS (Joint Reintegration Services) project, funded by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).


All the news


  • 1847

    voluntary returns registered in 2020.

  • 424

    voluntary returns with reintegration support provided by Caritas in 2020.

Behind each figure, a story

Caritas International Belgium Evgeni’s story

Evgeni’s story

Evgeni arrived in Belgium in September of 2014 following the military conflict in Ukraine. He applied for international protection in Belgium with plans to quickly…

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Caritas International Belgium Igor’s Story

Igor’s Story

When in 2014, Igor migrated to France, his family in Ukraine supported his great expectations. He would probably find work in the area and be able…

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All the stories
Caritas International Belgium

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