Contact Info
Would you like to know more about our actions in Belgium and abroad? You can consult our Q&A which provides answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still have a question, do not hesitate to contact us. Use this form and please do not send e-mails to multiple addresses.

I need help in Belgium.
Our team of experienced social workers welcomes you to our offices in Brussels. They can provide psychosocial and administrative support in the areas of social rights (CPAS/OCMW, child support, etc.), the rights of foreigners (family reunification, voluntary return, etc.), as well as interactions with any public administration. If you are in a precarious situation, as an international student or an unaccompanied minor, you can also find help here.
Before coming to our service, we recommend that you check our hours of operation, as some time slots are only available by appointment for those who are already enrolled in our services. You can come without an appointment at any of the times listed below.
- Monday: 8:30 to 11:30
- Tuesday: 8:30 to 11:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30
- Wednesday: 8:30 to 11:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30
- Friday: 8:30 to 11:30
As the family reunification service is only available by appointment, we invite you to call us in advance by phone at 02 229 36 11 or by e-mail at or at
As a member of the “Hello? Welfare” network, our team is also available at the Brussels region toll-free number. This is available both for urgent requests or for those who need a listening ear. You can reach us free of charge at 0800 35 243 on Monday to Friday from 9:00 and 17:00.
I am not in Belgium and I need help. What should I do?
Caritas International unfortunately does not respond to individual requests for help from abroad. For all our work abroad, we always work in close collaboration with local Caritas. You can better contact the Caritas closest to you. To find their contact details, country by country, visit the Caritas Internationalis website:
I would like to apply for a job or an internship.
We are always looking for new talent at Caritas International. To view and respond to ongoing recruitment announcements, please visit our “Job” section. To apply spontaneously (for a position or an internship), send an e-mail with your CV and a letter of motivation to
I have a question about my gift or legacy.
You want to report a change of address, change or suspend your monthly donation? If you have a question about your tax certificate, our colleague Stéphane Steyt is at your disposal by e-mail ( or by telephone (+32 2 211 10 57).
For any other questions, check our FAQs, fill out our contact form or choose a contact person in the contact list below where you will find the contact details (photo, name, first name, title, e-mail address and phone number).
Choose a department
Contact details
Contact details
- Asylum seekers
- Medical reception - Antwerpen
- Women & single mothers - Louvranges
- Single persons & Families - Ransart & Scherpenheuvel
- Unaccompanied foreign minor - Liège
- Recognized refugees
- Vulnerable
- Resettlement
- Help for migrants
- Family reunification
- Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UAM)
- Closed centre visits
- Foreign students
- Voluntary return & reintegration
- Team coordination
- Russia
- Latin America
- Middle East, Balkan & Asia
- Sub-Sahara Africa, India & Nepal
- Sub-Sahara Africa (French)
- Maghreb & Ukraine
- Central Asia, Caucasus & Moldavia
- Jurist
- Emergency & Development
- Direction
- Communication & Mobilisation
- Education
- Press
- Advocacy
- Donations & Bequests
- Website & Social networks
Asylum seekers
Medical reception - Antwerpen
Catherine Van den Dries
Women & single mothers - Louvranges
Amandine Colin
Tel. : +32 471 33 82 45
Women & single mothers
Single persons & Families - Ransart & Scherpenheuvel
Charline Lefebvre
Ransart Reception Center
Tel. : +32 479 19 41 91
Judith Bosch
Scherpenheuvel Reception Center
Tel. : +32 474 81 36 52
Unaccompanied foreign minor - Liège
Structure for UAM
Tel. : +32 471 677076
Fulgence Sekanyana
Transition towards autonomy
Tel. : +32 471 33 82 42
Recognized refugees
Catherine Van den Dries
Willem Gordts
Tel. : +32 476 47 19 84
Help for migrants
Family reunification
Family reunification
Tel. : +32 2 229 36 11
Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UAM)
Laurence Bruyneel
Tel. : +32 473 78 38 78
Guardianship -
Lara Dock
Unaccompanied minors - Brussels
Tel. : +32 473 88 19 80
Vulnerable Minors in Brussels -
Unaccompanied minors - Liège
Tel. : +32 4 336 40 01
Vulnerable minors in Liege -
Rein Mets
Unaccompanied minors - Antwerpen
Tel. : +32 473 26 03 09
Closed centre visits
Closed centre visits
Foreign students
Voluntary return & reintegration
Team coordination
Katrien Van de Bergh
Mob. : +32 478 91 01 18
Thomas Goedgezelschap
Tel. : +32 478 10 58 55
Thomas Goedgezelschap
Tel. : +32 478 10 58 55
Latin America
Jolien Visscher
Tel. : +32 2 211 10 54
Febe Struyve
Tel. : +32 2 211 10 54
Middle East, Balkan & Asia
Laurens Dickx
Tel. : +32 470 23 38 27
Sub-Sahara Africa, India & Nepal
Louise Martens
Tel. : +32 473 97 85 87
Sub-Sahara Africa (French)
Ella Buttiëns
Tel. : +32 476 47 18 18
Maghreb & Ukraine
Laurens Coessens
Tel. : +32 471 83 38 49
Central Asia, Caucasus & Moldavia
Anzor Denis
Tel. : +32 471 71 49 40
Emmanuelle Vinois
Tel. : +32 478 781 348
Emmanuelle Quintart
Tel. : +32 2 229 36 15
Pieter Van Roeyen
Tel. : +32 2 229 36 15
Emergency & Development
Catherine Courbe
Tel. : +32 478 57 00 17
Tel. : +32 2 229 35 91
Luc Van Haute
Tel. : +32 475 74 90 17
Anne Dussart
Asylum & Migration
Tel. : +32 2 229 36 04
Bernadette Van Raemdonck
Head of Emergency & Development
Tel. : +32 2 229 35 91
Emergency & Development -
Gilles Cnockaert
Mob. : +32 473 78 49 39
Head of Communications & Mobilisation
Eliane Vastenavondt
Head of HR
Mob. : +32 2 608 00 62
Communication & Mobilisation
Nele Bossens
Tel. : +32 476 97 80 08
Maryse Baar
Tel. : +32 476 26 35 86
Gilles Cnockaert
Tel. : +32 2 211 10 55
Mob. : +32 473 78 49 39
Tom Devriendt
Tel. : +32 477 99 39 38
Donations & Bequests
Stéphane Steyt
Donors relationships
Tel. : +32 2 211 10 57
Mob. : +32 497 04 28 45
Gonzalo Dopchie
Tel. : +32 2 229 36 30
Mob. : +32 475 76 10 00
Caritas did not meet your expectations? Are you a victim or a witness of inappropriate behavior by a Caritas International Belgium employee or volunteer? Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention using this email address: or this phone number: +32 476 47 23 23. We will treat this complaint with the utmost attention and discretion.
Caritas International
Rue de la Charité 43
1210 Brussels
IBAN : BE 88 0000 0000 4141
BCE : 0410.644.946
Tel +32 2 229 36 11
Fax +32 2 229 36 36