Through our publications, you are regularly informed about our news, activities, programs, projects, successes, finances. But not only ... You have access to our annual reports, magazines, thematic releases, photos and videos. Most are downloadable or readable online. If you would like to receive them in hard copy, do not hesitate to contact us. Good reading !
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Annual report
Thematic publications
Unaccompanied minors 'in transit' in Belgium
The bridge: an alternative asylum model for the future (march 2024)
Common home - Migration and development in Europe and beyond
Common home - Migration and development in Belgium
Referral for legal assistance in the case of victims of human trafficking
Handbook for legal, social, Health professionals involved in the protection of the rights and the assistance of victims of human trafficking
Welcome - Migrants make Europe stronger
Tailor-made assistance: The Key to Succesful Integration
Parole à l'exil
Parole à l'exil : les demandeurs d'asile irakiens et en particulier de Bagdad (mai 2016)
Quels droits encore mobiliser pour les étrangers gravement malades en Belgique ? - Partie I (Septembre 2015)
Quels droits encore mobiliser pour les étrangers gravement malades en Belgique ? - Partie II (Septembre 2015)