“Everything is harder when you’re in a wheelchair”

Let's stand in solidarity with refugees here in Belgium, in Europe, or wherever else they may be

Asylum & Migration :


In Belgium, we provide a humane and personalized response to the migration journey of each person and defend the rights of migrants and refugees. We also accompany them throughout the search for sustainable solutions with particular attention paid to the most vulnerable people.


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Behind each figure, a story

Caritas International Belgium Valentine’s story

Valentine’s story

Since July 2018, Valentine[1], and her three children have lived in a studio at Logis de Louvranges, a shelter for vulnerable women with or without…

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Caritas International Belgium The Story of Souad and Heba

The Story of Souad and Heba

“I had no future in Syria?” says 17-year-old Heba Joha; “Right now, I’m in the process of designing one.” Three years ago, the Syrian family,…

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All the stories
Caritas International Belgium

Share your joy

Soon it’s your birthday, your wedding, a new baby or your retirement? Make the celebrations even more beautiful by sharing your joy with the world’s most vulnerable.

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Caritas International Belgium

Make a donation

What would we be without you and your generosity? Thanks to your donation, you contribute to the fight against hunger, poverty, and violence. Together, we offer a second chance to people who need it the most.

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