We are a member of Caritas Internationalis, Caritas Europa, and Caritas Belgium.
Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of more than 160 members who work almost all over the world. When a crisis happens, Caritas is already there on the ground.
The diversity of Caritas Internationalis members is the driving force behind its strength: it is comprised of small volunteer groups, large international humanitarian organizations, and those in the middle.
Inspired by the Catholic faith, Caritas is the outstretched hand of the Catholic church that supports the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized, regardless of their background or religion in order to construct a world based on justice and fraternal love.
Visit the website of Caritas Internationalis.
Caritas Europa unifies 49 Caritas organizations that work in 46 European nations. This group serves as one of the major social actors in Europe.
Caritas Europa concentrates its activities and efforts on poverty, exclusion, social inequalities, migration, and asylum in both European Union countries and other European countries.
The group is equally committed to supporting its members’ activities in regard to their international, humanitarian, and developmental actions. In these domains, Caritas Europa and its members pilot policies and lobby at both the country level and overall European level.
Caritas in Belgium is composed of three branches of Caritas: Caritas Flanders, Francophone and Germanophone, and Caritas International. Caritas Flanders and Francophone and Germanophone are regional organizations that deal with questions concerning identity, volunteers, and the fight against poverty by unifying Caritas diocese organizations, solidarity organizations, social service organizations, and health care organizations. Caritas International is the organization in charge of international solidarity.
Our partners
ACODEV is a French and German federation for international development associations. The group unites and represents francophone, bilingual, and germanophone nonprofit international development organizations. The federation has 86 members of which 76 received the ONGD accreditation by the Minister of International Development. Visit ACODEV’s site: www.acodev.be
For more than 60 years, CIRÉ has studied the topic of asylum seekers, refugees, and foreigners with or without a residence permit/papers. Migration, the reception of those seeking asylum, the officialization of those without papers, imprisonment policy, the expulsion of foreigners, and the integration of these populations into our society are at the core of all of their activities, actions, and thoughts. Visit CIRÉ’s site: www.cire.be
The National Center for International Development (CNCD) is a Belgian international development nonprofit organization that has been active since 1966. A staple in the francophone NGO community, CNCD-11.11.11 unites close to 100 international development nonprofits and social organizations that strive to foster a world where sufficiently funded democratic states cooperate with each other to guarantee peace and the respect of fundamental rights for everyone. Since 1966, the CNCD – Operation 11.11.11 has managed three missions: advocacy towards public and private authority, public awareness campaigns concerning global issues, and the financing of development programs. Visit the site of CNCD: www.cncd.be
When a natural catastrophe or a humanitarian crisis occurs and people need considerable financial means, a collaboration can encourage the public’s generosity. With this perspective, the Consortium for Emergency Situations was created in 1979. The objective is to coordinate and disseminate information to the public in the hopes of optimizing press and media relations. By calling for solidarity with one unified voice, Consortium 12-12 members minimize the cost of fundraising and consecrate the majority of their fundraising to their actions on the ground. Today, the group is composed of 7 members: Caritas International, Red Cross Belgium, Handicap International, World Medicine, Oxfam Solidarity, and Plan Belgium, and UNICEF Belgium. Visit Consortium 12-12’s site: www.1212.be
The Coalition Against Hunger brings together 20 Belgian nonprofits actively concerned by the question of food security. Today, the Coalition Against Hunger works on Belgian policies against hunger; moreover, the group works on international policy concerning sustainable family farming, nutritional food security, and the right to food. Visit Coalition Against Hunger’s site: www.coalitioncontrelafaim.be
Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs is a partnership network comprised of enterprises interested in the Southern hemisphere and also by organizations active in economically viable international development initiatives and projects. By bridging the gap between these two worlds, Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs facilitates both sustainable international development and entrepreneurial participation in projects in the Southern hemisphere. The group’s cornerstone is their support for projects concerning local entrepreneurship. The interested enterprises can either support well-known NGO projects, like Caritas International or they can directly support budding enterprises and micro-enterprises. Visit their site: Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs
Justice and Peace works towards a world of peace that is more just and less violent. Their actions center around the promotion of human rights, justice, peace, and sustainable development. Prevention and management during and after conflict is at the heart of their work. Visit their site: www.justicepaix.be
The detention of people for migration reasons must stop! It is this sentiment that inspired the creation of the Move coalition by Caritas international, le CIRÉ, JRS Belgium, and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, supported by many other partners. Every week, these members and partners visit people in detention centers or in “return housing,” in order to lend an ear or socio-legal support. These meetings also inform the recommendations of our legal and policy officers. Move also aims to better inform the public of what happens in detention centers. Visit the coalition’s website (only in French and Dutch): www.movecoalition.be
VOICE, Voluntary Organizations in Cooperation in Emergencies, is a network that represents 85 nonprofit organizations from 20 European countries and provide aid around the world. VOICE wishes to be able to offer a collective and unified response in times of crisis on the behalf of European nonprofits. VOICE is the principal spokesperson and representative of the European union with matters concerning emergency aid, the reductions of catastrophe risks, and the promotion of the values of humanitarian nonprofits. Visit the site of VOICE: www.ngovoice.org