Within this unique project several actors join their powers: organizations working directly with victims of human trafficking, organizations working on reintegration and local partners in the countries of origin. Knowledge and expertise were exchanged, and there was cooperation to improve the pre-departure and post-arrival assistance for this specific target group. Caritas International and Pag-asa actively participated in this project as Belgian partners.
Exchange in Nigeria
Local partner organizations from Nigeria, Brazil and Sierra Leone came to the Netherlands to have more insight on the reception structures and the procedures for victims of human trafficking.
Afterwards, our local partner in Nigeria, Idia Renaissance, welcomed the participating organizations in Nigeria. We stayed mainly in Benin City where the training center of Idie Renaissance is located, and where victims of human trafficking among others can learn new skills (sewing, catering, computer skills, …). Through visits to reception centers and shelters for victims of human trafficking, a psychiatric hospital, the protecting institutions and some testimonies from victims of human trafficking, we could have a better view on the existing network for those victims.
Thanks to this exchange and collaboration between the different organizations, guidelines were developed to adequately prepare victims of human trafficking for a voluntary return and to assist them in the best way possible after their return to their country of origin.
The guidelines can be consulted on the following link: http://www.mensenhandelweb.nl/document/practical-guidelines-dignified-safe-and-sustainable-return-victims-human-trafficking