10,000 refugees are looking for a new home
These refugees come from reception centers for asylum seekers and only have two months to find housing. Proper lodging is the first essential step towards integration.
Are you a landlord? Is your property available? Do you know other landlords? Become a partner landlord! Caritas International is looking for landlords willing to rent their accommodations out to refugees. Let us know about your property by email at proprio.solidaire@caritasint.be or by telephone at +32 2 229 36 64.
A vicious cycle of poverty
“Finding housing on the private market is extremely difficult,” says Anne Dussart of Caritas International. “Refugees don’t speak the language and suffer from prejudice. Once granted refugee status, they only have two months to become independent of the reception center. Two months to find new housing. In order to find a place to live, they need a job, and to have access to their integration benefits from CPAS, they need an address. This is a vicious cycle of poverty that we must break.”
Find Out More
Discover Nabil and Fadia’s story. Having fled Homs, they are now settled in Beauraing. Read also Three questions with a solidarity homeowner.