MIND: Commit to Migratory Policy and Development

Caritas International Belgium MIND: Commit to Migratory Policy and Development

Caritas International - The advocacy team staffed by Tom Devriendt, Elisabeth Verniers, and Elise Kervyn.

Caritas International - The advocacy team staffed by Tom Devriendt, Elisabeth Verniers, and Elise Kervyn.


The team focuses on analysis, policies, and awareness-raising. Here is a brief summary of the ambitious project of the Advocacy team at Caritas International. The subject? The connections between migration and development. Without a doubt, the discussions will be animated. Stay informed!

The objective of this project is to inform decision-makers, policies, and Belgian citizens on the connection between migration and development. We will aim to sharpen existing opinions and to more actively involve the different sides of society: including the public, decision-makers, and other actors in the development field. Tom Devriendt, coordinator of the Advocacy team at Caritas International, explains, “Correct information and both citizen and political involvement are crucial if we want to put our society on the path to sustainable development.”

MIND : Migration, Interconnectedness, and Development

This three-year project has received a wonderful name: MIND, an acronym for “Migration, Interconnectedness, and Development.” Behind this name, the first goal is to gather telling accounts of the connections between development models and migration. Next, MIND strives to show how migration and migrants can contribute to human and economic development. Lastly, the project analyzes what existing political frameworks teach us and their influence on reality and our perception of reality. Tom Devriendt, surrounded by his team, wonders, “Is there a difference between this reality and its perception? Are there misconceptions concerning these topics? If yes, can we clarify them? Also, what is the role of the EU and its member states? Do they make informed decisions?”

We think that the decisions can be made in better way. Caritas wants to adjust the policies and politics concerning this subject and make them more coherent by showing the results of European migration policy on development and vice-versa.” Importantly, the following question is currently unresolved. What are the real effects of development on migration patterns? Do we know them?

Work in a Network

This project will not be easy. The opinions on these themes differ. The discussions are often passionate because they affect the daily lives and the futures of our fellow human beings: mothers, fathers, children, brothers and sisters. It is impossible to remain indifferent.

12 European Caritas organizations* have embraced these questions for three years. We will regularly share news, analysis, and many stories from the Caritas network – a network filled with energy. A network characterized by both big and small stories. We cannot wait to share them with you. See you soon!

The MIND project received financial support from the program of the European Union for Awareness and Development Education (DEAR). For more information, please click here. This content is the sole responsibility of Caritas International and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”

Caritas International Belgium MIND: Commit to Migratory Policy and Development


Caritas Austria, Caritas Europa, Caritas International Belgium, Caritas Czech Rep., Caritas Italiana, Caritas Portugal, Caritas Slovenia, Cordaid Netherlands, Caritas Bulgaria, Caritas Slovakia, Caritas Sweden, and Caritas Bavaria.

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