
Donate by bank transfer


Caritas cannot exist without your help. Thanks to you, sustainable solutions are being offered every day to the most vulnerable people around the world. Thank you for creating a better future with us.

One-time donations

It is completely possible to make a donation in the amount of your choosing by making a direct deposit to Caritas International. Here is the necessary information:

Caritas International asbl – Rue de la Charité 43, 1210 Bruxelles.
IBAN : BE88 0000 0000 4141 – BIC : GEBABEBB

You can also download a pre-completed wire transfer form to submit to your bank.

Download the form

Donations of 40 euros and up are tax deductible.


With a recurring transfer, you will have a lasting place in Caritas International’s fight for the protection of the most vulnerable people around the world. You give much more than money: your commitment also provides hope, and faith in the future!

Using a European address, choose the frequency and the amount of your donations. All you need to do is download the from, fill it out, and send it to us through mail or email. We will take care of the rest with your bank.

Download the form

Donations of 40 euros and up are tax deductible.

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