The ongoing austerity measures as part of the negotiations with the EU and the IMF have had terrible effects on Greek society. More than three million live under the poverty threshold, more than half of the country’s young people are unemployed...

Greece :


The ongoing austerity measures as part of the negotiations with the EU and the IMF have had terrible effects on Greek society. More than three million live under the poverty threshold, more than half of the country’s young people are unemployed...

However, Greece is also a European country that must contend with the influx of refugees who are fleeing the war in the Middle East via the Turkish coast. For a country that is on the verge of bankruptcy, the arrival of tens of thousands of refugees poses a special challenge. While the European member states are reluctant to express their solidarity, the Caritas network put a lot of work into supporting Hellas, which was then able to grow quickly in terms of efficiency and capacity.

With the contributions of Caritas Belgium, both the refugees (on the islands, in Athens and on the Macedonian border) and the vulnerable Greek host community received aid.

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Behind each figure, a story

Caritas International Belgium Valentine’s story

Valentine’s story

Since July 2018, Valentine[1], and her three children have lived in a studio at Logis de Louvranges, a shelter for vulnerable women with or without…

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Caritas International Belgium Kahindo’s story

Kahindo’s story

Kahindo Kitakya Fazila has lost 10 family members to the Ebola virus, including her mother. Kahindo was sick and terrified herself.

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Caritas International Belgium Ibrahim’s story *

Ibrahim’s story *

From a vulnerable father to a dynamic entrepreneur, Ibrahim* was one of the first to receive Caritas support to strengthen a sustainable and diversified rural…

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Caritas International Belgium

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