As a citizen
1. Educate and raise awareness
- You are reading these recommendations because you are concerned about the dignity afforded to each human being. You keep yourself informed of injustices committed both close to home and abroad. That’s already a form of engagement! All around you, many are wondering about social issues related to sustainable development, migration etc. Strike up a dialogue with them, whether it be around the coffeemaker at work, with your family, at school etc. Provide them with answers, inform them about reliable sources of information, about different events, and about your own action plans. Not sure how to approach certain questions? Let us know and we’ll gladly think them over with you!
- The digital revolution offers the best and the worst when it comes to information exchange. This is why Caritas is looking for digital ambassadors to communicate insights, points of view and information that are relevant to civic engagement. Interested? Let us know!
- Are you a teacher or a student? Our education officers provide training and activities for teachers, high schoolers and citizens interested in North-South relations; the impact of conflict or natural resources on migration and development issues, refugee reception, and interculturality. Make a note of our upcoming training dates and discover our global citizenship education programs.
2. Roll up your sleeves
- Engagement starts on your doorstep. At Caritas, Justice et Paix, and elsewhere, there is never a lack of volunteer opportunities. Dare to walk through the door of your neighborhood association or that of the nearest reception center, cultural center, or sports field. You have valuable and inspirational talents!
- Concerned about the situation of migrants? Did you know that you can accompany newcomers during their first steps in Belgium, as they search for employment and housing? You can also become a guardian of unaccompanied foreign minors.
- Working for Caritas is not just a job. Caritas staff members make a difference every day for victims of war, natural catastrophes, or poverty in their country of origin or in exile. Interested? Take a look at our job openings.
3. Exercise your citizenship
- Your voice counts! Engage your local decision-makers on issues important to you in person, by mail, or online. Sign and support petitions. Ultimately, make yourself heard on matters important to you.
- And, of course, vote consciously. If you can’t find the right candidate for you, take the plunge yourself!
Other ideas?
Whatever you do, make sure that your heart is in it. Oh yeah, and one more thing: we would love to hear YOUR own action plans. Let us know by sharing this page on social media or by contacting us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Feel free as well to send us a message via our contact form.