Improving international cooperation to combat human trafficking

Caritas International Belgium Improving international cooperation to combat human trafficking

In October and November 2018 the partners of the project “Strengthening multidisciplinary cooperation to ensure an effective referral, assistance, rights protection for victims of human trafficking” successfully implemented a series of conferences. The purpose of these conferences was to disseminate the results of the transnational project and to discuss on further strategies to improve international cooperation to combat human trafficking and to ensure that victims have access to comprehensive legal assistance and other support services.

The project was implemented over a period of two years, January 2017 — December 2018, having as coordinator Association Pro Refugiu (Romania) and as partners Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), Caritas International (Belgium), Asociación Trabe (Spain) and Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers (Sweden). The partners implemented 3 local conferences in Romania, Bulgaria and Spain and 1 transnational final conference in Belgium.

3 local conferences

The local conferences aimed to disseminate the results of the project towards local anti-trafficking stakeholders and to discuss on the importance of multi-disciplinary cooperation in fighting human trafficking and victims’ assistance.

Lawyers, prosecutors, judges, anti-trafficking governmental agencies, law enforcement agencies, NGOs, and social departments with competencies in assistance for victims attended the events.

1 final conference

The final conference was held in Brussels on 29 and 30 November 2018. The event brought together participants from project countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain and Sweden) and from other EU / non-EU member states (Germany, Ukraine, Albania).

The aim of the conference was not only to present what was achieved in the project. It was much more than this, as it allowed to talk about the implications of human trafficking upon victims, the need to improve legal assistance and the referral procedures, the deontological principles that should be respected by professionals coming into contact with victims, the importance of multi-disciplinary work at transnational level.

Lawyers, prosecutors, judges, social workers, psychologists from institutions and non-governmental organizations and representatives of the European Commission attended the conference.

More information

Are you curious to know more about this project? Visit the project website for more details.

Caritas International Belgium Improving international cooperation to combat human trafficking

Financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union


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