Launch of Perspective2030

Caritas International Belgium Launch of Perspective2030
Caritas International Belgium Launch of Perspective2030

The world has a big project. In 2015, Belgium and more than 190 countries adopted the “2030 Program for Sustainable Development,” an international agreement that contains 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG). These goals all relate to the three dimensions of sustainable development: economics, social issues, and the environment.

An Ambitious Program

Caritas International Belgium Launch of Perspective2030

Around the world, countries are committed to this ambitious program for 2030. The world is committed to a multitude of themes ranging from ocean preservation, access to drinkable water, food security for all, decreasing inequality, the fight against climate change, and the eradication of poverty. Importantly, the challenges that concern both developed and developing countries:  consumption and production patterns should become more sustainable on both a local and global level in order to ensure that these goals are met.

For a Better World in 2030

The world will be better in 2030. A transformed world in both developing and developed countries. The perspective is enchanting, but only if the goals are actually met. And to do this, it will be necessary for all of us to be vigilant and ask our leaders to truly realize this program for sustainable development and to implement concrete policy changes.


The New Campaign : Perspective2030

The new campaign Perspective2030 aims to encourage our government to implement this Belgian commitment for sustainable development. From environmental movements to women movements, from youth organizations to anti-poverty movements, from trade unions to international development organizations, it is a broad spectrum of civil society that is coming together to foster the transformation of our world.

What are we asking ?

We would like policymakers to incorporate Program 2030 into the legislative and budgetary framework, and also to establish an inclusive structural mechanism for the monitoring and implementation of the SDGs. Words will not be enough, financial means will be necessary to realize this program 2030. Among other things, Belgium must honor its promise to allocate 0.7 percent of its GNI to international development.

The World has a Big Project

The world has a big project. This project offers a new perspective. We will hold our policymakers responsible.

Perspective2030 is coordinated by the CNCD-11.11.11 et 11.11.11, ensemble avec leurs membres : ACLVB-CGSLB, ACV-CSC, Amnesty, APERE, Associations 21, Be-Cause Health, Bond Beter Leefmilieu, Bos, Broederlijk Delen, Caritas International, CGSLB, CM-MC, Conseil de la Jeunesse, De aanstokerij, Djapo, Fairtrade Belgium, FairTradeGemeente, FGTB, FIAN, FOS, Fracarita, Globelink, IEW, Kinderrechtencoalitie, Kiyo vzw, Louvain Coöperation, Medicins du monde, Memisa, Monde selon les femmes, Netwerk duurzame mobiliteit, Netwerk tegen armoede, Oxfam-Solidariteit, Oxfam-Wereldwinkels, Plan België, Protos, RCN – Justice et Démocratie, SAW-B, Sensoa, Solidagro, Solidarité Mondial, Studio Globo, Trias, Ucos, ULB-Coopération, Unicef, Via Don Bosco, Vlaamse jeugdraad, Vredeseilanden, Vrouwenraad, Wereldsolidariteit – Solidarité Mondiale, WWF

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